I have known Iranjali, for several years and it gives me great pleasure to provide this character certificate.

Iranjali is no doubt an outstanding CEO for Edhati Consultancy her brainchild, that promotes health and wellbeing personally and professionally within organizations. It is high time that our country, community and institutions take health and wellbeing seriously, giving it the credence, it deserves.

Covid has shown us, that health is wealth and we should never underestimate the role that any individual’s health can impact one’s life, both personally and professionally.

I have worked with Iranjali for many years and she has always been a source of strength and value to our team.

I have witnessed Iranjali’s Innate talent and detailed orientedness, persistence and grit which makes her a visionary in her industry. Having watched her grow over the years, I have seen her materialising her dream to launch Edhati and to provide Psychological support and coaching services to individuals, schools and institutions; a badly needed gap has been filled.

She has insight and gifts that surpass her tender years, her determination cannot be defeated and is evident in everything she does for the community.

She has earned the respect of everyone she has worked for and worked with.

It is my pleasure to unreservedly recommend Iranjali. Her high level of expertise, healthy self-confidence and excellent leadership skills combine to make her the very best person for promoting health and wellbeing at an individual and institutional level.

Nimal S Cooke
Executive Director
The Maharaja Organisation Projects (Pvt) Limited

24th January 2022

"Working with Ira, I've achieved challenging career objectives, improved personal and professional relationships, and found greater balance in my life. Her techniques allowed me to master my strengths as I observed and paid close attention to what I was challenged with. Together we focused on my journey, and the greater sense of purpose to be obtained in my life by utilizing what I do and love doing the most. I am a more confident and fulfilled individual today, thanks to Ira."
"I highly recommend Iranjali as a life and career coach. In our work together focusing on career transition, she's provided exceptional value in her ability to assess situations quickly. She offered timely concrete tools, processes and plans of action to enable successful growth, change and resilience. She even provided me with templates and tools that I could share with my colleagues and teams so they can transition and adjust too. That kind of service is rare."
"This process has been an amazing journey for me. I've come so far since we first started working together, I barely recognize the woman I was. My self-esteem and confidence are at a place where I never thought were possible and this gave me the strength to build on my competencies. I owe a great deal of that to you Iranjali. Wishing you all the best always!"
"My experience with Iranjali was a huge success! I was able to easily identify the areas I wanted to work on and incorporate strategies to feel empowered and move forward. She helped me to identify a new mental framework to set boundaries and expectations of myself for myself and others too. I felt that I could just be myself and even swear when things got too out of control. I think this expression of freedom made me feel safe to reveal my true thoughts and feelings and what I was going through. I feel so much more lighthearted and free! I'm so grateful for your expertise and sensitivity. Thanks also for not letting me off the hook until I reached my goals. You're the best personal coach out there."
"If you're considering making changes in your life or career, I wholeheartedly and enthusiastically recommend reaching out to Edhati. Iranjali’s, supportive and no-nonsense style of coaching, has helped me and my team connect on a deeper level. Like she says communication is key but are you using the right key? Brilliant work."
"Through my work with Ms. Iranjali, I learned how to better manage my time and be more productive. She helped me get through my last year and a half of dissertation writing and helped me feel ready to tackle whatever came my way. Highly recommend her as a coach and mentor."
"Working with Iranjali was a great investment. As a result, I was able to more confidently manage my team and better manage my time. Iranjali also pushed me to take small steps to start my own business on the side, which has nothing to do with corporate work and that has been a real coping strategy for me. She coached me to apply the skills I gain from my corporate work to my business and vice versa. It’s a win-win. I am happy at work and at home doing my own business too. Now I’m more resilient than ever before as I am seeing things in a different light and the time management tool kit she coached me on definitely helps. I would really invest in Iranjali as a life coach to anyone. I do still consult her when I need to gain perspective on certain things."
"Iranjali was and is my student coach and mentor. She coached me all the way during my undergrad years and I started doing really well in my second and third year. My grades were high, I was taking part in extra-curricular activities that we chose carefully together (with her guidance) based on what I wanted for my future career. I got straight into a PhD program. It was bittersweet parting ways with Iranjali. Although I know she equipped me well and I have a good tool kit and internal coach in me now, I still do call her for guidance on certain matters. Bless you, Ira."
"I got more out of one couple of months of coaching with Iranjali than I did from all of the self-help books I've read and seminars I've attended over the years."
"I approached Iranjali privately after my company had a few workshops facilitated by Iranjali. She has an excellent approach to solving problems and then transitioning everyone to think of solutions. Happy that I was able to get HR to get Iranjali to provide us with EAP services. Thank you."
"Given the work I do, I am constantly on the road. Our coaching sessions are almost all the time when I’m en route to see my clients or when I’m en route back home. My drives are long from London to other cities and back. I would say 80% of the time our sessions have been online me driving towards a gas station or driving around the corner in search of a parking slot. I can always say, that apart from being an amazing coach, Iranjali, has a high tolerance level to even wait till I park my car going in circles. She does not advocate me driving or trying to park my car till we start the session due to safety concerns so she waits till I get a parking slot. High tolerance level. I have recommended Iran as a therapist, counsellor and coach to all my friends, family and close colleagues who see a big difference in me, and who are of the same bandwidth in wanting to grow. Thank you for all that you do Iran, Masha'Allah!"
"Iranjali has been very effective in helping me clarify my key issues and find the sense of grounding that I need to make changes for. She has helped me forge new paths in my career and life."
"Iranjali’s approach of “Teaching a man how to fish” style in coaching, shows her values, morals and dedication to actually inspire and help others. She’s not one of those “You pay me, so you can keep coming back sort of person”. She gave me a life-long internal coach by helping me understand that everything I needed was already inside of me. She described herself as the tour guide helping me see new places and things in a different country. It was the great internal tour. A lot of listening, little direct instruction, and a lot of guiding questions that were echoed and spoken about made a wonderful cup of tea! I am able to not panic and maintain my sanity in the immediate and can rationally work my way through things with my internal tool kit."
"I'm at a loss for words to say how much Iranjali has and continues to impact my life, my career and my relationships. She helped me gain my self-esteem, confidence and the tools that I can use to further improve my performance at work and at home. THIS is what an actual coach should do. I would recommend Iranjali to anyone who really wants to and is serious about changing their lifestyles and most importantly themselves."
"Iranjali is an amazing Coach and Psychologist. She is very empathic and professional. My sessions with her helped me truly move forward with life. She has a versatile toolbox that can help anyone gain clarity, change for the better, and create future goals whilst engaging me in my own development plans. Not only does she have the patience to do, she does so by genuinely keeping me accountable so I don’t stir away and slide whilst at it. I would highly recommend Iranjali for those of you who want inner growth and change for the better not for some band-aid solution to fix at a surface level. She has been there for me and supported me every step of the way. Side by side. Thank you, Iranjali."
"Thank you for coaching me toward my dreams. you've helped me embrace my true calling and what I really wanted in life. Yes, it was long coaching sessions and I never for once thought about how much you made me feel by just providing your ears to listen for hours during our 2-hour coaching calls and during my anxiety/panic attacks. Thanks for being you Ira. I wish the world had more people like you and thank you for making the world a better place!"
"I first reached out to Iranjali after seeing one of her interviews. Watching that made me realize the personal and professional dilemma I was facing was quite common. When we finally worked on my values and key priorities, my perception shifted. I found that I had to cultivate new ways of thinking, feeling and even taking action (Not saying this was easy. It was very hard at first). We ended up with a list of habits and lifestyle changes I needed to make to solve the dilemmas. It's an ongoing process, But I sense and feel the new possibilities that we manifested. They are keeping me grounded and honest with my goals. Heads of if you request her to be your accountability partner, she WILL show up (online of course) or nudge me, given my personality. This reminds me that I should keep my eyes on the prize. Totally recommend Ira to anyone!"
"Iranjali has helped me to see myself as a more powerful and confident woman, which has had a positive impact on both my professional and personal relationships. The approach she took was very intriguing. She would ask certain questions that I wouldn’t even think of as being related and then it would turn into a big picture understanding of why I am or was the way I was and why things were the way they were. The way she uses and phrases the questions to shift perspectives is really amazing and hits you suddenly. It’s like all of a sudden you have clarity on certain things. I would definitely recommend Iranjali as a mindset coach."
"Iranjali uses her humour, compassion, and direct nature to help bring out the best in me. She is committed to helping me live. I mean, really live, life to its fullest."
"I started working with Ira because I was at a crossroads in my career and needed some direction. Through coaching, I've discovered my life purpose, I attribute much of this success to the great inner work I've done in coaching. Thank you, Ira. If you want to change your life then Ira works magic."
"Before I started seeing Iranjali, I was living my life on auto-pilot mode. Although it was secure and safe, I always had a nagging feeling that I could do and be more. Over time Iranjali taught me how to make intentional choices. This allows me to be myself, which has I must say had a huge impact on my self-esteem and confidence and now I am able to better present myself to the world."
"Iranjali provided EAP services to our organization. As head of HR, I can assure you that you will see incremental changes in your employees in general and the specific employees that need extra support and then suddenly a total transformation in some. Either way, it’s for the better. We started during the pandemic and now we feel we are better equipped to handle the current situation. I highly recommend Edhati."
"Your coaching has been a significant source of support and the reason for profound change in my life. Your guidance has been amazing. Thank you, Iranjali"
"Thank you so, so much. I cannot express how much gratitude I have for your help over the past two years in getting my business up and running. I'm really grateful for how it turned out and how well we are doing."
"Iranjali is someone I look up to. I would say she really changed my life! She is an amazing coach; life, student and career! I first worked consulted Ira when I was in university. I had so much gone on from relationship issues, and family issues, aiming for a first and then finishing assignments and studying. She coached me to think, evaluate and respond not just in those situations I was facing but now that I look back it was just a start of a total perspective of looking at things and using the tools, she taught me to see the best approach in solving some of my challenges. I went to her with a problem but now all I do is look for solutions. It’s a total transformation and my friends and family have noticed. I always recommend Ira to anyone and everyone because she is so genuine and committed. She is not the type of person who would look at the clock for a buck. I’m sure others like me would feel the same. The way she guides me inspires me to achieve my own goals and makes me feel like I can actually achieve them. Eventually, I do, she always mentions “The power of YET”, and that keeps me going. She even helped me with my CV at one point. I obviously landed a very well-paid job. She continues to check on me and inspires me to be the best version of myself. When I look back now, I know I couldn’t have done it without her help. I now face similar situations and I know I have the skills to handle them. So, if you really want to grow, then Ira is the person. Btw, when major life transitions are in store, I still consult her."
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