I have known Iranjali, for several years and it gives me great pleasure to provide this character certificate.
Iranjali is no doubt an outstanding CEO for Edhati Consultancy her brainchild, that promotes health and wellbeing personally and professionally within organizations. It is high time that our country, community and institutions take health and wellbeing seriously, giving it the credence, it deserves.
Covid has shown us, that health is wealth and we should never underestimate the role that any individual’s health can impact one’s life, both personally and professionally.
I have worked with Iranjali for many years and she has always been a source of strength and value to our team.
I have witnessed Iranjali’s Innate talent and detailed orientedness, persistence and grit which makes her a visionary in her industry. Having watched her grow over the years, I have seen her materialising her dream to launch Edhati and to provide Psychological support and coaching services to individuals, schools and institutions; a badly needed gap has been filled.
She has insight and gifts that surpass her tender years, her determination cannot be defeated and is evident in everything she does for the community.
She has earned the respect of everyone she has worked for and worked with.
It is my pleasure to unreservedly recommend Iranjali. Her high level of expertise, healthy self-confidence and excellent leadership skills combine to make her the very best person for promoting health and wellbeing at an individual and institutional level.